Monday, June 17, 2013

Space Telescope

Space Telescope

Today I went to a mastermind meeting, and then I decided to research a space telescope image I found taken from the NASA space telescope(The Orion Nebulae) as it related to my new logo( I was also having fun!) at the Adler Planetarium in Chicago.

Nick was a fantastic astronomer. He gave us an unbelievable 3D tour of the Universe! Then in his next show he described the history of astronomy from Copernicus to today with 3D universe surveys plotting the exact locations of stars, galaxies, Super Novas and Nebula.

 I confirmed that in some instances, not in all, stars gain so much energy in the massive weight of a dying star, crumbling or collapsing in on itself, and the atomic reactions that ensues, that eventually they become a very bright light in the sky and then eventually, explode forming these beautiful nebulae of the Universe.  This Orion Nebula image was taken by NASA with a space telescope using Infrared light, and a variety of other wavelengths of the spectrum.  Scientists know exactly where this was formed.

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Space Telescope

In the first show, Nick started out by showing us an amazing map of the low-Earth orbit satellites that orbit the Earth. I was blown away by how many of them exist. The planet Earth looked literally like a ball of yarn, there were so many orbit lines in low-Earth orbit. Next, he showed us the Two satellites that orbit the Earth that make up our GPS system. Then of course he showed us all the telecommunications satellites and other craft including the International Space Station, orbiting the Earth as well. Then he showed us the orbits lines of the space telescope. These orbits are why we have all this amazing new information about our universe.

Space Telescope

Nick also showed us the things we can see in the night sky with the naked Eye, The Big Dipper and all the cosmic wonders that you can find by looking out of the bottom of the "dripping bucket" in the big dipper to find a special planet, which I forgot the name of(have to Google it) Or please feel free to leave a comment below with the name, I think it is Venus, but I am not 100% certain. I just joined a Facebook group for astronomers that use the naked eye only, so this information will come in handy. He also showed us ancient chinese astronomy charts and those of early Europeans, showing some of the same constellations we view today. He talked about ancient emperors building crude observatories to track the path of these things in the sky. Plus, he mentioned how our view is always changing as new ideas emerge in the scientific community, aided by amateur astronomers, I'd bet! We learned today that there are 88 quadrants of the Universe or night sky, just like there are 50 States in the USA.  I did not know that until today.  Scientists use these quadrants to be able to track and label the exact coordinates of Asteroids, Comets, Planets and their orbits, and locations of dark matter, black holes, and of course these beautiful Nebulae. They are so beautiful it is almost a new form of art, made by the forces and elements of the Universe.( I try not to bring religion into my posts as not everyone believes in such things, but if I was ever to write about a higher being, today would be the day)  Wow!  Just Amazing! The best part is I was making money while I was researching my logo concept and enjoying my day at the planetarium :) It was a great day!  My business was on auto-pilot. I actually got 5 more subscribers to my emails while there.

  If you'd like to make money from home, blogging about science, astronomy and the 3D Universe like I do( hopefully better than I do) click ----->Here
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Space Telescope In the next show we delved into the mystery that infrared technology that the newer space telescope uncovered.  We looked closely behind the dust and gas curtain and in some cases looked into it using the invisible portion of the light spectrum.  We were also able to follow the Universe out to it's farthest reaches, where red light was emitted over 365 million years ago. These galaxies were red as the light from them was not as bright and our telescope was only able to look so far out.  The Universe is said to be expanding in one theory scientists are hypothesizing.  The best part is that science changes as new information and new innovations become available. The best part about this day was when Nick was talking about dark matter and our scientists just beginning to study it, and understand it, and that in this room( I'm paraphrasing here) maybe a future scientist that can help us go to Mars, or understand what dark matter, black holes and worm holes really are about. He even talked about time warping of galaxies as witnessed by certain images in the galaxies.  Time warping being the only logical explanantion for the phenomena witnessed, but that scientists did not know for certain yet, ...and that maybe someone in this room today will find out for sure in their future.  I left a 51-year old "kid" excited for the youth of tomorrow! My time has come and gone to physically journey into space, but I still get to study all this new found knowledge of the Universe using the data scientists have already amassed.  It could take a lifetime, a wonderful lifetime to go through all of it.  I have a new passion! Oh, and Nick mentioned you can download for free this space survey at Microsofts Worldwide Space Telescope  I love it!  I really have a new passion for science all over again at 51, Woohooo!

 If you'd like to make money from home, blogging about science, astronomy and the 3D Universe like I do( hopefully better than I do) click ----->Here

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